Free TEAS Practice Tests

Prepare for your TEAS exam with our free TEAS practice test and other resources.

Need to prepare for your ATI TEAS exam to get accepted into your nursing program? BoostPrep is your one stop shop for all things TEAS related. Try out a free TEAS practice test below to start your TEAS prep.

Our TEAS practice questions are similar in format and difficulty to actual TEAS practice questions you will see when you take your exam.

TEAS practice tests are a great way to prepare for the actual exam. All of our practice questions include answer explanations to help you understand why an answer was incorrect. You can try out our free TEAS practice test below.

If you are looking for more in-depth help, learn more about our TEAS prep course. Our prep course includes 1,000+ practice questions, 12 full-length simulated exams, and complete study guides and content outlines for everything tested on the ATI TEAS exam.

All of this and more for just $49. Learn more.

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TEAS Exam Overview

TEAS stands for Test of Essential Academic Skills and is taken by individuals who are seeking enrollment in a healthcare-related college program. The TEAS exam is a common requirement for students looking to get into nursing school.

The exam is administered by Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI). The test takes 209 minutes to complete.

Students will be tested in four sections – reading, math, science, and English. A quick summary of each section can be found below.

  • TEAS Reading:
    • Number of Questions: 45
    • Time Limit: 55 Minutes
    • Specific Areas Tested: Key ideas and details, craft and structure, and integration of knowledge and ideas.
  • TEAS Math:
    • Number of Questions: 38
    • Time Limit: 57 Minutes
    • Specific Areas Tested: Numbers, algebra, measurement, and data interpretation.
  • TEAS Science:
    • Number of Questions: 50
    • Time Limit: 60 Minutes
    • Specific Areas Tested: Human anatomy and physiology, life and physical science, and scientific reasoning.
  • TEAS English and Language Usage:
    • Number of Questions: 37
    • Time Limit: 37 Minutes
    • Specific Areas Tested: Conversations of standard English, knowledge of language, and using language and vocabulary to express ideas in writing.

In total, there are 170 questions on the ATI TEAS exam. Preparing for this exam will help you get the score you need to get into the program of your choice.

Let us help you get a top score on the TEAS exam. Our TEAS prep course is an all-in-one resource that includes study guides and content outlines for every topic that is tested on the TEAS exam. 

Users will also get access to 1,000+ practice questions, and 12 full-length simulated exams.

TEAS Section Breakdowns

There are 4 sections on the TEAS exam. Each section is timed and consists of multiple-choice questions as well as specialty questions like multiple-select, supply answer, hot spot, and ordered response. 

Some students may be prepared for certain sections on the TEAS exam, but are you prepared for all 4? Learn more about each induvial section on the ATI TEAS exam below.

TEAS Reading

The reading section consists of 45 questions. Students will have 55 minutes to answer these questions. If you do the math, you will see that you will have a little over one minute to answer each question.

Most questions will have a short passage to read before answering the question. Some questions may have a table or figure instead.

It is important to work at a steady pace when taking the TEAS reading section. You will have about 73 seconds to spend on each question.

The breakdown of questions and topics can be seen below.

Topics Questions
Key Ideas and Details 15
Craft and Structure 9
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 15
Unscored Questions 6
Total Questions 45


The math section consists of 38 questions. Students will have 57 minutes to answer these questions. After crunching the numbers, this breaks down to about 90 seconds per question.

Students will be permitted to use a calculator on this portion of the TEAS exam. However, the calculator used must be one that the test center provides. Students will not be permitted to use their phones, smartwatches, or any other device as a calculator.

There are 38 total questions on the TEAS math section, but 4 of those will be used as “test” questions. Students will not know which questions are scored and which ones are not, so it is important to try your best on all questions.

A breakdown of questions and topics can be seen below.

Topics Questions
Number and Algebra 18
Measurement and Data 16
Unscored Questions 4
Total Questions 38

TEAS Science

The science section consists of 50 questions. Students will have 60 minutes to answer these questions. If you breakdown these two numbers, you will see that you will have about 72 seconds per question.

A breakdown of questions and topics for TEAS science can be seen below:

Topics Questions
Human Anatomy and Physiology 18
Biology 9
Scientific Reasoning 9
Chemistry 8
Unscored Questions 6
Total Questions 50

TEAS English and Language Usage

The English and language usage section consists of 37 questions. Students will have 37 minutes to answer these questions. In order for students to stay on pace, they will need to answer 1 question per minute.

There will be 3 topics tested within the English and language usage section. The 3 sections have a pretty even breakdown in terms of number of questions. You can see a breakdown below.

Topics Questions
Conventions of Standard English 12
Knowledge of Language 11
Using Language and Vocab to Express Ideas in Writing 10
Unscored Questions 4
Total Questions 37

Preparing for TEAS TEST

There are a ton of different ways to prepare for the TEAS exam. A lot of it is personal preference. Some students may prefer to learn one way, while others prefer another way. With that being said, some preparation methods are proven to work. We have listed some methods below.

Study Guides

Study guides are a great way to prepare for the ATI TEAS 7 exam. Study guides provide information on topics and subtopics, in one, easy to access place. Study guides will help keep you on track when it comes to studying and make it easy to grasp difficult concepts.

The study guides used in our TEAS prep course cover only the material you will need to know for the exam. We provide study guides for each section of the TEAS exam and organize them by subtopics.

Students can always make their own study guides, but this will take a lot of time and you may miss some important information (or even add extra information you do not need to know).

We did the work for you. Use our TEAS prep course and our study guides to get a top scores on the TEAS exam and save time while studying.

Practice Tests

Practice tests are another proven method when it comes to preparing for the TEAS. Practice tests will help you test your knowledge and see what you know, and what you do not know. Try out a free TEAS practice test above to get started.

Practice tests are only as useful as their explanations. If you get a question wrong, you should know why the answer was incorrect. All of our practice questions and practice tests include in-depth answer explanations.

Users who take our $49 TEAS prep course will have access to 1,000+ practice questions and 12 full-length practice exams.

The full-length practice exams are timed exams that emulate the actual TEAS exam. The exams are timed and contain the same breakdown of questions as the actual exam. These questions also have answer explanations to help you understand the concepts better.


Time is especially important to consider when preparing for the TEAS test. Students should make sure they give themselves enough prep time before taking the exam. The amount of time will vary for each individual student.

Some students may want to spend a couple of months preparing while other students may only need a couple of weeks.

Think about how much time you want to devote per day or week to studying and decide how much total time you need.

Everyone who signs up for our TEAS prep course will have access to the course for 6 months. 6 months is plenty of time to prepare for the exam and get a top score.


How does your prep course work?

Students will get access to our TEAS prep course for 6 months. They will make a 1-time payment of $49 and never be charged again.

Students will have access to 1,000+ practice questions, 12 full-length practice exams, and in-depth study guides and content outlines.

Our courses come with a 100% pass guarantee. If you do not pass your exam, let us know, and we will refund your money. That is how confident we are in our prep course.

What happens if I don’t pass my TEAS exam?

Every school is different and will have its own retake policy. Most schools will allow students to retake the test after 45 days.

How much does it cost to take the TEAS test?

The price will vary depending on your institution and where you are taking the exam, but most students will pay around $100 to take the exam. It is not cheap, make sure you pass it the first time around!

Where will I take my TEAS exam?

The exam can be taken in 3 different settings:

1. At your institution
2. PSI testing center
3. Online through ATI

What is a passing score for the TEAS exam?

Different programs and institutions set their own passing scores. With that being said, most programs will require between 70%-80% for each section on the exam.

Some schools do not set passing scores and just take the top scores from each testing period.

Authored By: Denise Lessow

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